Creativity, unpredictable and impossible to contain
Putting new experiences down on paper. A page from the journal Cissy Yang kept as she camped her way across the spectacular landscapes of the western USA as part of a college class. More information
Creating art gave me a sense of connection to the landscape and I think that's a very important thing for the broader environmental movement to realize that humans are part of landscapes. -Jenny Rempel, college student

Literature Pick: West of 98
Poignant essays by the American West's best writers showing "how we must create new narratives of cooperation if we are to survive in this spare and beautiful country."
"I would be converted to a religion of grass. Bow beneath the arm of fire. Connect underground. Provide. Provide. Be lovely and do no harm." from Louise Erdrich's 'Big Grass'
What One Person Can Do
- Kashish Das Shrestha is helping to build a sustainable Nepal through his photography, writing, and web-based communication. He started out as a 6th-grader, handing over his winning school project on how to curb pollution in the Kathmandu Valley to the then Prime Minister. He now works tirelessly to help his country develop in environmentally sustainable ways.
- 18-year-old Rosie Keller made the documentary SOLUTIONS - A Film on Climate Change for her high school class project in Switzerland. It premiered at the Sebastiani Theater in Sonoma, California.